Y’all, I just just got back from seeing Fast X and It’s damn near perfect.
You know what you’re getting into If you go see a fast movie at this point, you’ve seen the last nine. This is an outstanding addition to the series. I am a late convert to the Fast and Furious movies, but am totally bought in, and of the mind that it is probably the greatest superhero franchise that has ever existed.
Some Thoughts
I’m just going to kind of hit you with some thoughts. Most of these are spoiler free. I try to keep it as spoiler free as possible, but if you don’t want to know anything about the movie, maybe scroll on by, go see the movie, and then come back and we can talk about it.
Rita Moreno
She is a damn national treasure and should be treated as such, and she is treated rather well in this movie. She’s not there long, but for what she is there for great. Just perfect.
Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa. Our villain Dante is incredible. He chews scenery, but like in the best possible way, kind of like watching like Willem Dafoe as a bad guy, that you just want to see him do more.
He has this weird combination of like Jack Sparrow, Animated Series Joker, with a lot of like girl dad energy thrown in. It’s a weird mix, but it totally works.
Vin Diesel
Vin Diesel, also in rare form, chewing up scenery just as much. I don’t know if he’s ever spoken this low in the movies before, but everything he says is really low down here like this. It’s got this big gravel to it.
John Cena
Specifically for me, I think John Cena stood out because there’s such a huge transition for Jakob between the last movie between Fast Nine and now. In Fast Nine, he’s very stoic, very, you know, standoffish. And in Fast Ten, he’s basically John Cena. He’s joking around, he’s playing around. He’s just like a really likable guy, which is awesome to see, Right? Like, that’s the power of family. That’s the power of love. We see family working through Jakob Toretto.
There are two wild cameos that come up in this movie. I don’t want to spoil them. I’m not going to tell you who it is. I’m not going to tell you anything about them. I will just tell you that on one of them, my mouth was like agape.
Like I was literally just sitting there like, Are you what? I looked at my wife and I was like, Are you kidding me? Like what?
Critics vs. the Fans
It looks like the critics really aren’t treating this movie well. But let’s be real. Have they ever treated a Fast and Furious movie great. I went and looked at the Tomatometer reading like the Rotten Tomatoes score. And you can see here there’s a big discrepancy between what the critics think and what the fans think. And let’s be real what the fans think, especially on a movie like this way more important.
Final Thoughts
So go support this thing. Go, you know, see the beginning of the end, if you will. It sounds like there’s going to be at least one, possibly two more movies. Depends on who you talk to. But I just had a blast, and like everyone in the theater at different times were like clapping and laughing and just having a good time without being annoying.
So go enjoy yourself. See it in a theater with a group of people. You’re not going to be disappointed.
Until next time. Peace.
he/him. recombinant e. coli-powered cyborg supervillain. perennial Cassandra. Matrix trilogy apologist. Magneto was (frequently) right. I spend my time dissecting/analyzing comic books and science fiction, or trying to explain with we don't actually have AI yet, despite that being the current buzzword. All opinions will retroactively become my employers. Thanks time travel!